Sunday, December 10, 2006

Kiffle Day, 2006

Kifli (or Kiffles, as we've come to know them) are German cookies consisting of a pastry dough rolled around a walnut filling, then doused in confectioner's sugar. They have been a tradition in my family for generations, and we look forward to them every Christmas. [I don't have time to type up the recipe right now, but a similar one can be found here.]
They are very labor intensive - dough balls and filling are made the previous day and refrigerated overnight, then each cookie must be individually rolled and filled.
To expedite all this, we schedule a Kiffle-making party every year on whatever free weekend we have in December. This also serves to make those who eat the kiffles work for their cookies! ;)

Our recipe yields 70 cookies, and this year we made 4 batches. And it still doesn't seem like enough!

This photo is also my "Party" entry for the 12th week
Photo Hunt challenge.

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