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From our Hudson Valley trip - this tree had its own little spot claimed for itself on this rocky outcropping at the top of Bear Mountain.
Unfortunately, I couldn't back up any farther to get the whole tree - I'd have been over the edge!
For more pix from our Hudson Valley trip, see my Flickr page.
...Both in proximity and hue:
This shot is from the Ricketts Glen trip. It was taken near the base of F.L. Ricketts Falls, looking straight up through the foliage. Still a lot of green on the lower boughs, but darker oranges and browns as you go higher.
For more pix from the Ricketts Glen trip, see my Flickr page.
...And every once in a while, the Photo Hunt is easy:
Our recent Hudson Valley trip included a Halloween party (our host's friends were gracious enough to let us tag along - thanks again, guys!) which included a pumpkin-carving contest! Here are some of the entries, lit-up and ready for judging.
Note: Justin & Ashley's "Wallace & Gromit" entry at top-left (to see a closer shot of it, click here) and my friend Brian's pumpkin - top row, second from right - which won for "Scariest." (Way to go, Bri!)
For more pix from our Hudson Valley trip, see my Flickr page.
UPDATE - 11/7/06
Woohoo! This photo earned 2nd place (tied with this pic from photomonkey) in the Week 6 challenge of the the Photo Hunt !
Thanks to everyone who voted for it!
For this week's Photo Hunt: a shot taken over my gas grill.
Not the best shot ever, but after a week of uncooperative weather - and with time running out - I'll take it!
From this past weekend's Philadelphia Area Photobloggers trip up to Ricketts Glen, a view of the scenery north of Benton, PA.
More photos from this jaunt to come - as well as more pix from the Hudson Valley trip. And all this between Photo Hunt entries... !
For more pix from the Ricketts Glen trip, see my Flickr page.
While visiting friends in the Hudson Valley this past weekend, I spotted this tiny leaf on their back deck.
More Hudson Valley posts to follow...
For more pix from our Hudson Valley trip, see my Flickr page.
For this week's Photo Hunt, a shot of the window display from the Nirvana clothing store in Red Bank.
The polarizing filter got some of the glare (and provided that neat effect on the window) but it was no match for the midday sun lighting up the opposite side of the street.
At first, finding some interesting windchimes for this week's Photo Hunt was proving difficult, what with the nearest set already snapped up by another entrant. Luckily, a trip to Philly's South Street to see The Secret Machines (a band you really should check out, btw.) provided ample opporunities. We got there early and started browsing the shops, with this array appearing outside the Custom Stained Glass store.