Bottom: a view from the Washington St. Pedestrian Mall - coincidentally also the home of Tides of Time, a shop run by photographer Corey Gilbert (check out his online store in the "Links & Inspirations" section, top-right on this 'blog). His shop is one of our regular stops when in town, and his work definitely inspired me to try to get some better shots on this particular trip!
Nice stuff, Steve! I particularly like the sky shot.
Nice stuff, Steve! I particularly like the sky shot. (Argh, blogger automatically changed that from me to anonymous. Sigh.)
I really like the second shot - it could almost be used for an album cover or something like that. And it really makes me want to be at the shore instead of at my desk right now!
Yes, I second, err, "fourth" the nomination...the blazing sunset shot is great. Way to capture the moment.
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