Thursday, June 15, 2006

This Just In...

...I've finally learned how to enable anybody (not just fellow 'bloggers) to leave comments! Go me.

So all of you "Finding My Way" fans who've been thwarted in the past (yeah, both of you) can now comment away to your heart's content!

And Jorj can kill that fake 'blog he created just for my sake (don't think your efforts are unappreciated, brother).

Thanks for everyone who's provided feedback - posted or otherwise!

(P.S. - above: an unexpected parabolic dish antenna in suburban New Jersey)


Anonymous said...

For a second I thought it was the Endor shield generator! I think I see an Ewok hung up on the barbed wire on the other side.

Steve B. said...

Walt -

Actually, that IS the sheild generator...
Look back to my June 11th entry - that's no moon; it's a SPACE STATION!

We're caught in a geeky tractor beam...